
I’m A, I’m English, I’m in my 30s. I love decluttering and negative space. For me, decluttering can be seen as a holistic approach which covers many areas of self-improvement, so this is what I cover in my blog. I’m married to a hoarder, so I also have a lot of first-hand experience with an opposite point of view.

Part of decluttering is not only getting rid of unneeded things, but not buying more unneeded things in the first place. As part of this, I am interested in frugality and simple living, so I write about having fun for free, trying Project 333, repurposing old items and working towards financial independence.

Another element of decluttering is getting rid of unnecessary elements of life, such as stress, anxiety and procrastination, in order to have time to focus on things which are important in helping me to live an enjoyable life: health and wellbeing, mindfulness, goal setting and reaching. To that end, I write regular posts about my weekly and longer-term goals, and how I work to simplify and improve my life on a daily basis.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m so glad you found and shared Likes at my place so that I could easily find you here. 🙂 Your premise makes this definitely my kind of place! I look forward to following along with your adventures to declutter and find clear space. Cheers, Gina

  2. It’s so nice to know I’m not alone regarding living with someone that doesn’t quite understand the ideals behind simple living! While my partner isn’t a hoarder we do nevertheless seem to have more stuff than we need and it’s a constant challenge to not buy more items!

  3. Beautiful attitude and philosophy. We have a lot in common! I am excited to read more of your insights and learning from your posts! It’s so important for us “decluttererers” to bond in community like this!! 🙂

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