Simplify – Weekly Wishes w/c 10/08/15

Last week’s wishes – 03/07/15

  1. Cross-stitch: sew for five hours total on the project I’m working on. 0% completed – I had more “side hustle” work at the weekend and was also ill. 
  2. Knitting: finish a present I’m knitting for a friend. 50% completed. I did a lot of work on the project but then realised I’d gone wrong and had to undo a lot of it. 
  3. Birthday: decide something fun to do for my birthday on Friday and Saturday. 50% completed. I was ill so didn’t do a lot, but enjoyed what I did do. 
  4. Esperanto: finish the Esperanto tree on Duolingo. 100% completed. 

Healthy habits

  1. Walk for 20 minutes. Mon x 2, Tues x 1, Thurs x 1, Fri x 5, Sat x 5
  2. Complete one primal sprint session. X
  3. Complete a long and steady run. X
  4. Go for a bike ride. X
  5. Do 10-minute yoga session. X
  6. Do 15-minutes semi-supine and Alexander Technique affirmations. X
  7. Do 10-minute writing meditation session. X
  8. Enter meals on MyFitnessPal. X
  9. Do 10-minute strength training session. X
  10. Practise mindfulness during a daily activity. X
  11. Do 10-minute mindfulness meditation session. X
  12. Eat under 150g carbohydrates in a day. X
  13. Think of 3 things I’m grateful for. X
  14. Use Happify or another stress relief technique. X
  15. Do Wii Fit balance exercises. X
  16. Have a sugar-free day. X
  17. Complete mindfulness journal. X
  18. Do something for future me. Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, Sun
  19. Come up with ideas (based on this post). Mon, Tues, Weds, Sat, Sun
  20. Write 750 words. Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun

A pretty shoddy week in terms of healthy habits: I was ill, I was away from home for a few days and it was also my birthday. These were all things that made me think that I should cut myself some slack and not bother with the healthy habits. But really, the point of the healthy habits is that they are good to do every day, so I need to change my mindset about them. 

Weekly wishes for 10/08/15

  1. Knitting: finish undoing and redoing the present I’m working on, and reach the point where I need to start decreasing.
  2. Languages: keep the Duolingo Esperanto tree fully gold, and start studying Russian if it is released this week.
  3. Side hustle: schedule five hours this week to work on a project for someone.
  4. Paleo: eat paleo/Whole30 every day apart from Friday (I already know I’m going out for lunch on Friday).

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